Testing in OO


Testing in Object-Oriented is a collection of testing techniques to verify and validate object-oriented software used whenever larger amount of system is designed and it is better for you to use OO testing then others. The whole object oriented testing revolves around the fundamental entity known as class, with the help of class concept, larger systems can be divided into small well defined units which may then be implemented separately. The object oriented testing can be classified as like conventional systems. These are called as the levels for testing which are:

Resultado de imagen para testing
  • Class testing: also known as unit testing. In class testing, every individual classes are tested for errors or bugs, testing ensures that the attributes of class are implemented as per the design and specifications, also, it checks whether the interfaces and methods are error free of not.
  • Inter-Class testing: also called as integration or subsystem testing, inter class testing involves the testing of modules or sub-systems and their coordination with other modules.
  • System testing: the system is tested as whole and primarily functional testing techniques are used to test the system, non-functional requirements like performance, reliability, usability and test-ability are also tested.

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